Many businesses and corporations would love to increase their efforts at conservation and recycling, but they simply lack the time and energy to find the appropriate channels. Read on for easy ways to boost your brand power, while decreasing your carbon footprint and becoming increasingly planet-friendly.
An easy way to proceed on the path to building your brand while becoming increasingly greener, says director of Sporting Images Mellanie Jenkins, is to invest in the latest and greatest in eco-friendly and recyclable products when you update your corporate image every two or three years. “Company directors may not be aware that these two important aspects of doing business – being visible in the marketplace and doing good for the environment – can be so easily combined,” she enthuses. “They are also unlikely to be aware of the eco-friendly and recyclable product options that are out there. At Sporting Images, we consider it to be one of our primary responsibilities. Read on for details about some of our favourite nature-friendly branded products!”
Corporate branding goes green with eco-conscious coffee cups
Fast fact: Over 20 million trees are cut down each year to produce single-use paper cups. Source:
Enter the Kooshty Kup, which retails for around R70. It is composed of 100 percent BPA-free glass and is available in a funky range of 13 eye-catching colours. While users need to take care to remove the silicon when placing the glass “kup” into the dishwasher or microwave – and to ensure the silicon sleeve and lid are in place when gripping or walking around with a hot drink – this splash-proof item is perfect for an eco-conscious life lived on the go. The “kup” fits perfectly into your car’s cup holder and provides a clever alternative to single-use paper coffee cups.
Note: The Kooshty Kup is just one of a selection of creatively designed and sexy products that make up the Kooshty range, which collectively promote a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. The range even includes a Kooshty Kork Yoga Mat and Yoga Block, which sees you taking your eco-focused lifestyle into the fitness studio. The kork used makes the mats sustainable and eco-friendly; naturally repels dust, hair and small particles; is easy to clean and maintain; and is ultimately biodegradable.
Take a savvy, eco sip
Fast fact: It can take up to 200 years for a plastic straw to decompose! Source:
Aside from single-use paper coffee cups, another pet peeve of the green researchers is that of plastic straws. These cannot be broken down naturally and so end up in our landfills, rivers and oceans, where the chemicals released are harmful to plants, animals and even human beings. This is not to mention the marine life and birds that are killed by getting the straws stuck in their beaks and throats. The solution could be the likes of the reusable copper straw packs produced by The Final Straw, retailing at R170 each. Each box contains six full copper food-grade drinking straws and one stainless steel cleaning brush. What makes these the best thing ever is that copper is naturally anti-microbial; you can wash and reuse them; and ultimately step away, forever, from the mayhem caused by the single-use plastic straw!
To add more eco-friendly and healthy product options to your corporate branding package, please email or call 082 776 5560.