Corporate Branding Goes Green & Engaging
Many businesses and corporations would love to increase their efforts at conservation and recycling, but they simply lack the time and energy to find the appropriate channels. Read on for easy ways to boost your brand power, while decreasing your carbon...
Powerful steps for raising brand awareness
You’re poised to employ a corporate-branding company to keep your brand identity top of mind in relation to any competitors and work towards raising brand awareness. But how do you select or invest in the most potent brand-awareness tools out of those...
Corporate Branding 2020 – How To Come Out On Top
“As necessary as lungs” is how one branding expert describes your company’s brand identity. It needs to connect with the customer and draw them in wherever your logo, corporate colours or staff uniform appears. In each and every market though, from coffee...
Why you need a hotshot promotional company in 2019
What is best practice in the promotional gifting and clothing industry? To avoid being taken for a ride by a fly-by-night operation, it is vital that your organisation chooses an establishment that has been around for some years, operates professionally,...
Logo logistics – the power of identification
Time and space are in short supply when you’re selling your product or service. So it helps to make use of a hotshot logo and to upgrade it every so often as trends change so that you unleash the desired associations among your target market. ...
Origins of the word ‘brand’ – from livestock stamp to consumer perception
Business analysts assure us it's not the size of an operation that’s important. What matters, out there in the marketplace, is that its brand has a solid name and pleasant associations, so it becomes sought-after, now and in the future, within its targeted...